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Photo by Timeless Moments. Visit their Facebook page! |
far along? 38 weeks 1 day
Overall Emotion last month? Overwhelmed, nervous, excited, huge!
clothes? are you kidding me.... my maternity clothes are too tight for me now!
Sleep: I tend to sleep great for the first 4-5 hours... then I'm awake and end up finding something to do in the livingroom until I fall asleep on the couch. super fun.
Best moment this month: Hmmmm.... It's been a craazzzyyy month. The best moment was probably when I found out that the baby finally turned head down!! That may have been more than a month ago, I dont know :-) AND my amazing baby shower last Saturday!
Gain: Yes. That's all I'll say for now :-)
Movement: Oh yeah. He's quite the boxer. Seems to always be trying to break out of my belly button.
cravings: Anything and everything. I have been indulging in quite a bit of hot chocolate- for good reason though! I swear it's the only thing that gets rid of my heartburn... i swear... really.
making you queasy or sick: Said terrible heartburn.
you started to show yet: I'm way beyond starting to show. I have strangers coming up to me, asking if I'm have triplets. Seriously... this happened twice.
rings on or off? on
Looking forward to: Having this baby in my arms finally! Being done with the anxiety over the anticipation of what labor will be like.
One thing I did well this month? Being an emotional mess. Well, it's been a rough month. At the beginning of November my midwife found my blood pressure to be pretty damn high. (the bottom number was 90.... which is not good) But I wasn't showing any other indicators of preeclamsia, so she ordered some lab work and put me on semi bed rest just to make sure. At my next appointment I found out that my blood work came back "okay" and that my blood pressure had come down to a more comfortable level! Although, I had been crap at the bed rest thing... which was totally stressing me out, because I was sure that all of the stress was then causing my blood pressure to go up, which then made me even more stressed. Ugh, not fun. Anyway, even though by BP was lower at this appointment, the midwaife still wanted me on semi bed rest because the levels of my BP were leaving me with no wiggle room, and I could still be at risk for developing preeclamsia. Tried to take it easy the week after that, but I had SO much to do to get ready for baby! It really was a super busy week and I was sure that my BP was going back up (all of this, by the way, made me not the most pleasant person to be married to. God bless you Ryan!). BUT at my last appointment (Last Monday) my BP had gone down even more! Down to an almost normal level. Still went and had blood work done yesterday, but I should still be fine for a normal delivery! We were all worried about the chances of me having to be induced, but everything should be fine now!
All that to say, it's been one heck of a month!
intake this month: Because of my blood pressure thing, I'm on a super high protein diet now... doing alright but could be better.
Book Currently reading: NOTHING! My brain needs a break!
Some other things I want to mention: Going to the chiropractor has been aaammmaaaazing! Totally worth the money and the time. I hardly ever feel back pain or any discomfort anymore, whereas before... I was in pain all the time it seemed like. One week after being adjusted just 2 times, the baby turned head down! I also believe it's what really helped my blood pressure go down. I admit, I had never seen a chiropractor before and was super skeptical of the whole thing... but now I'm a total believer! I will be taking the baby there for adjustments as well. Giles Family Chiropractic in Napa, go there. Dr. Kristen is awesome, has had 2 homebirths and truly cares about the well being of her clients. So awesome.
Also, I haven't really gotten into our delivery decisions and beliefs. Many people know that we're delivering the baby NOT in a hospital- but if you didn't know that, and are interested in some more info, let me know! We're delivering at a birthing center, no they do not have the pain medications that hospitals do... and therefore, NO I will not be having an epidural. I'm hoping for a water birth, Ryan wants to be the one to "catch" the baby, I have a doula, and I am getting my placenta encapsulated. Questions?! Just ask!
Okay, I'm done! Sorry it had been so long since my last baby update. Hope this one holds you over until baby comes, which I'm hoping is super soon!!!
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Photo by Timeless Moments. Visit their Facebook page! |