Saturday, March 17, 2012

Re-Purposed Old Metal Trays

I did something new this week :-)

I was at a second hand store the other day and found a ton of old metal trays and decided to go all crafty on them.

I had seen on a blog that I follow as well as on Pinterest some cool uses for re-purposed metal trays, so I decided to try my hand at some of my own interpretations!

 I think my favorite projects were these little mini trays that I found in a pack of 6. I have all the other ones pained in different colors, but have yet to take pictures yet due to the fact that I am still in the pimping out process with these  little guys.

What do you think? So, basically all I did was this:

- Paint the tray with desired color (I used acrilic pains that I had.... but I would just spray pain in the future)
- Spray a gloss over the painted parts of the tray
- Brush on the chalkboard paint over the desired area of the tray. (After the paint has dried.. do a couple other coats of the chalkboard paint)

And that's it people! As I said, I'm still in the process of pimping all the trays out... so stay tuned to see whats all in store for these little guys!

Much love and Happy St. Patty's Day yall! xoxo elyse

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